Shinsong Holdings is experiencing a surge in sales of Cheonil-yeom (thousand-day salt), and a consequent rise in its stock price, fueled by increasing consumer anxiety over the release of contaminated water from Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant.

As of 1:33 PM on June 14, Shinsong Holdings' stock is trading at 13,660 won, up 22.67%. The company owns 100% of the shares in Shinsong Food, which sells Cheonil-yeom produced from the tidal flats of Shinan Sea.

Recently, as consumers' anxiety over the release of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant has grown, demand for Cheonil-yeom has significantly increased. Despite a rise in the price of 2021 Cheonil-yeom from 25,000 won to 30,000 won per sack due to an explosion in orders, Shinan County Fisheries Cooperative has not seen a decrease in order volume. In fact, they temporarily stopped accepting orders on June 12.

It's worth noting that sales of Cheonil-yeom, which were merely 81 sacks (based on a 20kg sack) last June, have surged to about 2,000 sacks between June 1 and 9 this year - an increase of about 25 times.

This ongoing situation, where the anxiety caused by the release of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is leading to an increase in Shinsong Holdings' Cheonil-yeom sales, is seen as a significant point in predicting the future trends of the Cheonil-yeom market.<